Fartlek Training
Fartlek, developed in the 1930's, comes from the Swedish for
'Speed Play' and combines continuous and interval training. Fartlek allows the
athlete to run at varying intensity levels over distances of their choice. This
type of training stresses both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways.
Fartlek for Runners
The following are a selection of fartlek sessions:
Watson Fartlek
Suitable for 10k, 5k, 3k and cross country.
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ Stride
hard for 4 minutes with 1 minute jog recovery - repeat 8 times
~ 10 minute
cool down
Saltin Fartlek
Suitable for 1500m, 5k and 3k.
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ Repeat 6
times - Stride hard for 3 minutes with 1 minute jog run recovery
~ 10 minute
cool down
Astrand Fartlek
Suitable for 800m.
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ Repeat 3
times - Maximum effort for 75 seconds, 150 seconds jog/run, maximum effort for
60 seconds, 120 seconds jog run
~ 10 minute
cool down
Gerschler Fartlek
Suitable for getting fit quickly when combined with steady
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ Repeat 3
times - Stride hard for 30 seconds, jog 90 seconds. Repeat with 15 second
decreases in recovery jog e.g. 30-90, 30-75, 30-60, 30-45, 30-30, 30-15 and
~ 10 minute
cool down
Hill Fartlek
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ Select a
2 mile hilly course. Repeat 3 times - Run hard up all hills twice before moving
to the next hill, jog run between hills
~ 10 minute
cool down
Whistle Fartlek
The coach, using a whistle, controls the session over a 800
metre circumference grass area.
~ 10
minutes warm up
~ When the
whistle is blown the athletes run hard until the whistle is blown again.
Pyramid session of 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3
minutes, 4 minutes with a 60 second jog run recovery between each run
~10 minute
cool down
Fartlek for games players
A fartlek session for games players should include
sprinting, running, jogging and walking with variations in direction of
movement to fit in with the demands of their sport. This should include
controlling an object (e.g. football) or carry any implement (e.g. hockey
stick, rugby ball) used in the sport.
Page Reference
The reference for this page is:
B. (1998) Fartlek Training [WWW] Available from:
http://www.brianmac.co.uk/fartlek.htm [Accessed 19/8/2011]
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